
Early Christmas Present

I got a SLR Canon Rebel! 
its the canon rebel T3 version incase you were wondering :)

Canon EOS Digital Rebel T3 Digital SLR Camera

I wanted to be able to use it for thanksgiving and the holidays this year so i got it early! 
and i'm LOVING it!

so far i only have the lens it came with, 
{the 18-55mm lens}
but i  know i want some more in the future!
{there's your hint :)}
or if you just wanted to suggest what lens i should consider buying next, that would help a lot!

i know, i know, i have to post more often! and there are some days off of school coming up and so i'm hoping to catch up with blogging then... 

At the moment, i am squeezing this very blog post in with all of my other homework...

i will leave you now with some pictures i took with that very camera ^ up there!

I admit, i need some more variety.  but nature is kinda the most interesting thing to photograph around my place 'cuz we dont have a pet of any kind :)

thats why im excited for thanksgiving, because we will be traveling to new scenery :)
more on that to come... probably after thanksgiving...

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